Should Programmers Learn HTML?
Should programmers learn HTML? I haven’t thought about this in a long time, but I recently came across a programmer who didn’t want to learn HTML. He does mobile app development for Android and iOS. He has an opportunity to learn HTML and add it to his repertoire, but he won’t. I think everyone should learn HTML, and here’s why…
You Can Get a Job Using HTML
A quick search on a job board like returns about 30,000 jobs using HTML. The salary range for those jobs is from $30,000 per year to $130,000 per year. There are even jobs that are not programming jobs where they want HTML experience.
That just goes to show what I think anyway: Anyone and everyone should learn HTML. Not only does it enhance your career options, but it gives you an idea of how the web works. We all use the web, don’t we?
HTML Is Everywhere!
You find HTML all over the web. The page you’re reading right now is HTML. If you want to see the HTML, use the “view source” feature of your browser. Usually, a right-click will get you there. Alternatively, you can use “Ctrl + U.” You may need to use “Ctrl + Click” or “Alt + Click” depending on your operating system.
Did you go cross-eyed looking at the page source? It can be daunting if you don’t know how to read it. But when you understand HTML, you know how to use one of the most powerful tools of our modern era.
HTML is so ubiquitous, it’s like how everyone in 1837 shoed a horse or something. Well, except that it’s much easier to learn. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of wherever you are right now! Seriously, let’s try it…
You Can Do HTML Right Now
That’s right! You can literally make a webpage right now. Here’s how you do it:
1. Open a text editor. It needs to be a basic text editor like notepad or TextPad.
2. Type or copy/paste the following into the text document:
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
3. Save the document as “hello.html.” You need to change the type of document from “.txt” to “*” in the save dialog.
Now find where you saved the document and open it. It should open in your browser, and you should see a good message in big letters!
Did you follow along? If not, that’s OK. You can still see how easy it is to write HTML. There are a few rules to keep in mind, but not many.
We’re trying hard to kill off XML in software-land. JSON is taking its place in many ways. But it won’t go away for a long, long time. HTML used to have a lot in common with XML. It’s gone its own way since the introduction of HTML5. There are different standards because, frankly, it has a different use.
XML is for exchanging data in a structured way. HTML is for expressing the structure of a webpage. The difference here is that XML has to express data types, namespaces, etc. HTML has a standard set of elements like
- Input
- Form
- Label
- Div
It doesn’t have to be everything to everyone; it only has to be everything to a webpage structure! It’s like XML, but it isn’t. It’s a bit simpler.
I Want to Know More
OK, so here’s what HTML looks like:
Hello, this is some text inside a paragraph. I can put a link in the text like this <a href=””>awesome!</ a>. There are many other cool things I can do with HTML. I can make something <b>bold</ b>. I can make a list.
</ p>
< hr />
<h4>this is a list</ h4>
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<large>this text is large</ large>
Inside another paragraph of text, I can put an image <img src=”” /> but that kind of tag is “self-closing.” Some tags are like that. Others can have something between including other tags. Some tags can’t go inside other tags.
</ p>
If you caught everything in this sample of HTML, you’ve learned a bit about a few element types and the basic structure of HTML. There are some rules. It’s a structured markup language. You can nest some elements inside others. Other tags are self-closing. When you learn HTML, you’ll learn about all the nuances. They aren’t tough to follow once you get the hang of it.
You Should Learn HTML
Yes! You should learn HTML. It’s easy to learn, and it’s useful. You’ll find many opportunities where you would have to know HTML. You’ll probably need it at some point, even if you don’t need it right away in your first programming job.
This post was written by Phil Vuollet. Phil leads software engineers on the path to high levels of productivity. He writes about topics relevant to technology and business, occasionally gives talks on the same topics, and is a family man who enjoys playing soccer and board games with his children.
Good day, make me a programmer
I am messaging you for books that i can get to start out with coding i am a teenager who wants to start out with no knowledge so i was wondering if you would suggest books and languages i can use to start out and get to know the field of programming
Thank you very much
Phil Vuollet
Great question and thanks for your interest in programming! These days, the internet has quite a few resources to get started for free. is a favorite resource. JavaScript is a great all around web language to get started with. Hope you find it useful and Happy Coding!
Make Me a Programmer
Hello, Ntokozo! Phil is right—the internet is a wonderful resource for beginner programmers. I can also recommend this comprehensive post on our website describing books you can use to get started with different languages, as well as why you might choose those languages. Happy reading!